Kyrgyzstan Mountain Guide Assosiation is grateful to our sponsors: General sponsor – MAMMUT company (financial support - coaches salary, jackets, trousers, gloves) Sponsors: Schweizer Bergführerverband - equipment, methodical help BMG – methodical help, Companies:
LEKI – trekkinkg poles Colltex - ski skins Diamir – ski touring bindings, hats LOWA - boots for middle and high altitude, sunglasses Alpinist Hotel - 50% discount for trainers accommodation, conference room - free of charge;
Kyrgyz Alpin Club - training equipment
ITMC Tien-Shan - transport at cost, training equipment
JVC "Mountain Huts" - toll free accommodation in Ak-Sai Mountain Hut
Sport club "К2" - indoor climbing wall - 15% discount for Association members
Information support:
Adolf Schlunegger – skis, ski boots